We see nutrients as more than energy and raw materials: they are life’s sensors, regulators, and actuators.

Our goal is to focus the study of biology on nutrients and the study of nutrition on biology.


To illuminate how nutrients guide and shape biology, health, and disease, we study molecules, genes, cells, organs, and even whole organisms.

We may start the day tinkering with genes and end it with peering into hearts and brains or pages and pages of spreadsheets. Our scientific journey began with researching the effects of diet on the brain but now embraces the entirety of life, from early development to aging.


We value Rigor, Curiosity, Creativity, Perseverance, Teamwork, and Civic Engagement.

We believe in the power of creative, constructive, and collaborative science and we aspire to make its knowledge and discoveries accessible to everyone.


We believe that impactful teaching stems from building the trust and connection necessary to unlock the empowerment that comes with knowing.

Learning requires journeying together through the discomfort of not knowing until things make sense.


Public engagement, service, and community outreach are not peripheral to our work; they are as central to our scholarship as research. Like the Founding Fathers, we believe that knowledge is a public good and that active participation in civic life is both a privilege and a responsibility.

As citizen scientists, we serve our country not just in our lab coats but through our actions in the world. Our mission is to bring Science into the World and the World into Science.